IBM Books

Software User's Guide Version 3.4

Configuring and Monitoring SDLC Interfaces

This chapter describes the SDLC configuration and operational commands. It contains the following sections:

Changes made at the configuration command console (SDLC CONFIG>) become part of the SRAM configuration when you restart the router.

Conversely, SDLC monitoring commands entered within the SDLC monitoring process take effect immediately. However, changes made with monitoring commands do not become part of the router's static configuration. When the router is restarted, the effects of the monitoring commands are overwritten by the router's static configuration. Monitoring consists of the following actions:

Accessing the SDLC Configuration Environment

Use the CONFIG process to change the configuration of the router. The new configuration takes effect when the router is restarted.

To enter the configuration process:

  1. Enter talk 6 (or t 6), at the OPCON (*) prompt. This brings you to the CONFIG> prompt as shown in the following example:
         MOS Operator Console
    For help using the Command Line Interface, press ESCAPE, then '?'
         * talk 6

    If the CONFIG> prompt does not appear immediately, press the Enter key again.

    All SDLC configuration commands are entered at the SDLC config> prompt. You can use the GWCON t 5 (See "The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands") environment to make dynamic configuration changes. However, these changes will disappear when the device is restarted.

  2. At the Config> prompt, enter the set data-link sdlc command. When prompted, enter the name of the interface to associate with the SDLC device.
    Config>set data-link sdlc
    Interface number [0]? 2
  3. Next, enter the network command, plus the number of an SDLC interface that you entered earlier.
    Config>network 2
    SDLC 2 Config>

Refer to "Getting Started" for information related to the configuration environment.

SDLC Configuration Commands

The SDLC configuration commands allow you to create or modify the SDLC interface configuration. This section summarizes and describes the commands you can issue from the SDLC Config> prompt within the network configuration console. Defaults for any command and its parameters are displayed on the console, they are enclosed in brackets immediately following the prompt.
Note:In addition to configuring SDLC using the commands described in this chapter, you also need to configure SDLC in the DLSw or APPN protocol.

2212 supports SDLC connections over RS-232, X.21, and V.35 serial interfaces. Table 56 lists SDLC configuration commands and their function.

Table 56. SDLC Configuration Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds an SDLC end station. If stations are not added specifically, they will be dynamically created with default values when DLSw or APPN activates devices. 
 Delete   Removes an SDLC end station. 
 Disable   Prevents connections to one of the SDLC link stations. 
 Enable   Allows connections to one of the SDLC link stations. 
 List   Displays configured information for one of the SDLC link stations or lines. 
 Set   Configures specific interface and link-station information. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to add an end station. The router is, by default the primary end station. If you do not use this command and if you configured an SDLC station in DLSw or in APPN, the end station is added for you. The software assigns the following defaults to the station:

If the defaults are satisfactory, you do not need to add SDLC stations.


add station
Enter station address (in hex) [C4]? 
Enter station name [SDLC_C4]? 
Include station in router as secondary group poll list (Yes or [No]): 
Enter router as primary group poll address (0 means disable) [00]? 
Enter max packet size [2048]? 
Enter "A" for 2-WAY-ALTERNATING or "S" for 2-WAY-SIMULTANEOUS [S]? 
Enter router as secondary link station poll pause [0]? 
Enter receive window [7]? 
Enter transmit window [7]?

Enter station address
The station's SDLC address in the range 01 - FE.

Enter station name
The name designation of the SDLC station (maximum characters is 8).

Include station in router as secondary group poll list
Select whether or not to include this station in the secondary group poll list for this interface. The SDLC software supports the IBM 3174 group poll function for SDLC secondary station. You must add a group poll address using the set link group-poll command for this parameter to have an affect.

Enter router as primary group poll address (0 means disable)
Specifies the group address that is to be polled. The Primary Group Poll Address is entered per station.

Valid Values: X'00' to X'FE', where 0 indicates not using group poll

Default Value: X'00'

Enter max packet size
The maximum packet size that can be sent to or received from the remote link station. This value cannot be greater than that specified for the link. This value is configured with the set link frame-size command.

Specifies whether the link station operates in a 2-way-simultaneous or 2-way-alternating mode. The default is inherited from the interface configuration.

Enter router as secondary link station poll pause
Specifies the amount of time a secondary station will delay sending poll final after being polled.


  1. This value should be less than the poll timeout for the primary station.

  2. Values other than 0 on multipoint links can cause poor response time.

Valid Values: 0 to 25.5 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds

Default Value: 0

Enter receive window
The maximum number of packets that the router can receive without sending an acknowledgement.
Note:Ensure that the receive window size is sufficiently large, because the router will disconnect the station if the window size is exceeded. Set the receive window to the maximum value for the configured modulo. Unless there is some reason to closely monitor the receive window size, it should be set to the maximum value for the modulo being used.

Enter transmit window
The maximum number of packets that the router can transmit without receiving an acknowledgement.


Use the delete command to remove the specified end station (station name or address) from the SDLC configuration. The router is considered the primary end station (default).


station name or address


Use the disable command to prevent connections from being created with a SDLC link station.



station . . .

Prevents the transmitting and receiving of data to all configured SDLC link stations on the interface.

station name or address
Prevents the transmitting and receiving of data to the specified end station (station name or address).


Use the enable command to enable connections to remote SDLC link stations.




Allows subsystems in the router (for example, DLSw) to use SDLC's facilities.

station name or address
Allows connections to the specified secondary remote end station (link station name).


Use the list command to display configuration information on one or all SDLC link stations.



station name or all

Displays the SDLC interface's configuration.


list link
Link configuration for: LNK00001 (ENABLED)
Role:        PRIMARY           Type:        POINT-TO-POINT
Modulo:       8                Frame Size:  2048
Sc Gp Poll:  00                Dflt protcl: ALTERNATE
Timers:    XID/TEST response:       2.0 sec
           SNRM response:           2.0 sec
           Poll response:           2.0 sec
           Inter-poll delay:        0.0
           Primary poll pause:      0.5 sec
           Dflt sec poll pause:     DISABLED
           RTS hold delay:          DISABLED
           Inactivity timeout:      30.0 sec
Counters:  XID/TEST retry:   8
           SNRM retry:       6
           Poll retry:       10
SDLC 1 Config>

Link configuration
The name and status of SDLC link station that are in the router's configuration.

The primary, secondary, or negotiable role for link stations that you configure using the set link role command.

The type of link, multipoint or point-to-point. IF role is secondary, a value of multipoint for this parameter causes RTS to be lowered when not transmitting.

Specifies the hardware capability of the line. For two-way simultaneous link management, full duplex hardware capability is required.

The sequence number range to use on the link: MOD 8 (0-7) or MOD 128 (0 - 127).

Idle state
The bit pattern (FLAG or MARK) transmitted on the line when the interface is not transmitting data.

The physical data rate of the interface. When the clocking is internal, this is the data rate generated by the internal clock. This parameter has no effect for externally clocked lines.

Group Poll
Address used for the group poll feature. Secondary stations having group inclusion coded as yes will respond to unnumbered polls received from this address. This address must be non-zero for the group poll feature to be in effect for any secondary stations under this link. Each secondary station will still have a specific station address in addition to the group address.

Specifies the type of cable in use (RS-232, V.35, V.36, or X.21).

Configures the SDLC transmission encoding scheme as NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) or NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted).

Interface clocking, external or internal.

Frame Size
The maximum frame size that can be sent over the interface.

All the timers listed below have a 100ms resolution.

XID/TEST resp.
The time to wait for an XID or TEST response message before retransmitting the XID or TEST frame. A value of 0 indicates that the router will not delay the retry past its next poll list turn.

SNRM response
The maximum time to wait for a UA response message before the station retransmits SNRM(E).

Poll response
The maximum time to wait for a response from any polled station before retrying.

Inter-poll delay
The amount of time the router (with a primary role) waits after receiving a response, before polling the next station.
Note:Primary Poll Pause is the preferred poll timer. Inter-Poll Delay causes end user response time problems. See page *** for more information about primary poll pause.

RTS hold delay
The amount of time that the primary router waits before dropping RTS low after the transmission of a frame. The RTS hold delay parameter is specific to half-duplex and secondary multipoint operation.

Interframe delay
Specifies an amount of time to inject flags between frames. The maximum value of 120 injects about 15 flags between frames for a 9600 baud line.

Leading Flags
The number of flags sent if the interframe delay is not sufficient for a response to the device on the other end of this link. This is a time unit with a maximum value of 100.

Inactivity timeout
For idle NRM/E secondary stations, sets the time after which the interface changes the station to its recovery state. A 0 (zero) causes the station to remain idle indefinitely.


XID/TEST retry
The maximum number of times the router sends an XID or TEST frame without receiving a response before timing out. A value of 0 indicates that the router will retry indefinitely.

The maximum number of times the router will send an SNRM(E) frame without receiving a response before timing out. A value of 0 indicates that the router will retry indefinitely.

Poll retry
The maximum number of times the router polls the station without receiving a response before timing out. A value of 0 indicates that the router will continue to retry indefinitely.
Note:Physical layer parameters such as duplex type, speed, cable type, encoding, clocking, leading flags, and inter-frame delay do not apply for SDLC dial circuit interfaces and are not displayed by the list link command.

station all or address or link station name
Displays information for the specified SDLC link station or for all link stations.


list station c1
Addr-A/S                                Rx      Tx     Secondary   Primary
(Sec Gp)   Name      Status    Max BTU  Window  Window Poll Pause  GP Addr
-------- --------  ----------  -------  ------  ------ ----------- -------
 C1    A SDLC_C1     ENABLED      2048    7       7      0.0 sec      00


list station all
Addr-A/S                                Rx      Tx     Secondary   Primary
(Sec Gp)   Name      Status    Max BTU  Window  Window Poll Pause  GP Addr
-------- --------  ----------  -------  ------  ------ ----------- -------
 C1    A SDLC_C1     ENABLED      2048    7       7     0.0 sec     00
 C2    A SDLC_C2     ENABLED      2048    1       7     0.0 sec     00

The address of the SDLC link station. The address in parentheses is the "router as secondary" Group Address of the interface which is used by the station if the station has group inclusion set, link is secondary, and the secondary group address is non-zero.

The character string name designation of SDLC link station.

The status of the SDLC link station, ENABLED or DISABLED.

The frame size limit of the station. This frame size must not be larger than the maximum Basic Transmission Unit (BTU) packet size configured with the set link frame-size command.

Rx Window
The size of the receive window.

Tx Window
The size of the transmit window.


Use the set command to configure specific information for one or all SDLC link stations.





duplex* . . .

encoding* . . .


group poll* ...

idle* . . .

inactivity ...

inter-frame delay*

modulo . . .


poll . . .

role* . . .



type* . . .



address. . .








*Note:These commands are not available for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link cable type
Sets the cable connected to this interface. The options are V.36 and the following DCE and DTE types: RS-232, V.35, and X.21.

A DTE cable is used when you are attaching the router to some type of DCE device (for example, a modem or a DSU/CSU).

A DCE cable is used when the router is acting as the DCE and providing the clocking for direct attachment.

link clocking internal or external
To connect to a modem or DSU, configure external clocking and select the appropriate DTE cable with the set link cable command.

To connect directly to another DTE device, configure internal clocking, select the appropriate DCE cable with the set link cable command, and configure the clocking/line speed with the set link speed command.

Default: external

link duplex full or half
Configures the SDLC line for full-duplex or half-duplex signaling. Half-duplex means that the 2212 raises RTS and expects to see CTS before it will transmit data. Full-duplex means that the 2212 does not wait for CTS to be raised before is transmits data.
Note:The duplex type does not control how SDLC operates at the SDLC protocol level (two-way simultaneous or two-way alternating).

link encoding nrz or nrzi
Configures the SDLC transmission encoding scheme as NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) or NRZI (Non-Return to Zero Inverted). NRZ is the default.

link frame-size
Configures the maximum size of the frames that can be transmitted and received on the data link. Valid entries are shown in Table 57.

Table 57. Valid Values for Frame Size in Link Frame-Size Command
Minimum Maximum Default
262 8187 2048

Set the link frame size greater than or equal to the maximum packet size that you configured with the set station xxx max packet command. Otherwise, the router automatically resets the maximum packet size to the link frame size and issues the following ELS message:

SDLC.054: nt 3 SDLC/0 Stn xx-MaxBTU too large for Link adjusted (4096->2048)

Example: set link frame-size

Frame size in bytes (262 - 8187)[2048]?

link group-poll
Sets a group poll address for router as secondary stations on the link. The SDLC software supports the IBM 3174 group poll function. Use the add station or the set station group inclusion command to include a station in the group poll list.


                 set link group-poll
                 Enter group poll address router as secondary (in hex) [00:]?f3
                 Group poll support enabled

link idle flag
Configures the transmit idle state for SDLC framing. The default is the flag option which provides continuous flags (7E) between frames.

Example: set link idle flag

The link will receive a flag idle transparently.

link idle mark
Configures the transmit idle state for SDLC framing. The mark option puts the line in a marking state (OFF, 1) between frames.

link inactivity #-of-seconds
For idle NRM/E secondary stations, sets the time after which the interface changes the station to its recovery state. The range is 0 to 7200 seconds. The default is 30. A 0 (zero) causes the station to remain idle indefinitely.


set link inactivity
Enter secondary link station inactivity timeout :[30.0]?

link inter-frame delay
Allows the insertion of a delay between transmitted packets. This command ensures a minimum delay between frames for compatibility with older, slower serial devices at the other end. This parameter is the amount of time between frames.

Valid values: 0 to 120

Default value: 0


set link inter-frame
Transmit Delay Counter [0]?

link modulo 8 or 128
Specifies the sequence number range to use on the link: MOD 8 (0-7) or MOD 128 (0 - 127). Default is MOD 8.
Note:When you change this value, the window sizes become invalid. Use the set station command to change the receive window and transmit window sizes. Valid window sizes are 0 through 7.

Also, when link modulo is 128, a SNRME rather than a SNRM is used at connection start-up and supervisory frame headers are expanded by an additional byte.

link name
Establishes a character string for the link that you are configuring. This parameter is for informational purposes only.


set link name
Enter link name: [LINK_0]?

link poll delay
Sets the time delay between each poll that is sent over the interface. link poll delay is less preferred than link poll ppause. link poll delay puts a delay between every poll, and thus causes response time problems even when the link is lightly utilized. If link poll ppause is set > 0, then link poll delay must be set to 0.


set link poll delay
Enter delay between polls [0]?

You can also use the t 5 command set link poll ppause to set primary poll pause.

link poll ppause
Sets the primary poll pause.

This parameter determines the minimum time to restart the polling cycle. For example, if there are 5 stations on a multi-dropped link and all 5 station are polled in 0.2 seconds and PPAUSE is set to 0.5 seconds, then the poll of the first station will wait 0.3 more seconds. If data had been received from some stations, then the time to complete the polling of all 5 station probably would have taken longer than 0.5 seconds and the poll of the first station would not have been delayed.


set link poll ppause
Enter delay between polls [0.5]?

link poll retry
Sets the number of times the interface retries to poll the secondary SDLC link station before it closes the connection.


set link poll retry
Enter poll retry count (0 = forever) [10]?

link poll timeout
Sets the amount of time the interface waits for a poll response before timing out.


set link poll timeout
Enter poll timeout [2.0]?

link role primary or secondary or negotiable
Configures the interface as an SDLC primary, secondary, or negotiable link station (default is primary).


  1. For DLSw, negotiable uses X'FF' (broadcast address) for the initial poll.

    When using broadcast address to negotiate the role, the link initially uses a default SDLC configuration and then resolves to a configured station if the specific address matches.

    When primary is the link role, the link performs an initial poll to a specific address.

  2. For APPN point-to-point or negotiable, the broadcast address is used for the initial poll. For primary multipoint, the specific address is used.

  3. For switched SDLC, the device must be primary, so link role type is not configurable for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link snrm timeout or retry
Configures the following SNRM(E) information for primary stations:

The time to wait for an Unnumbered Acknowledgements (UA) response before retransmitting an SNRM(E).

The number of times to retransmit an SNRM(E) without receiving a response before giving up.


set link snrm timeout
Enter SNRM response timeout [2.0]?


set link snrm retry
Enter SNRM retry count (0=forever) [6]?

link speed

For internal clocking, use this command to specify the speed of the transmit and receive clock lines.

For external clocking, this command does not affect the operation of the WAN/serial line.

Valid Values:
Internal Clocking: 2400 to 2 048 000 bps
External Clocking: 2400 to 6 312 000 bps
Note:If you want to use a line speed greater than 2 048 000 bps when external clocking is configured, you can only do this on:
  • port 1 of the integrated WAN ports
  • port 1 of the 4-port WAN CPCI or PMC adapter

All other WAN ports on the same adapter must be clocked at 64 000 bps or less.


set link speed
Line Speed [64000]?

link type multipoint or point-to-point
Configures the SDLC link to either a multipoint link or a point-to-point link. If the router is secondary, this parameter determines whether RTS is controlled.
Note:For switched SDLC, the link is always point-to-point, so link type is not configurable for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link xid/test timeout or retry
Configures the following XID/test information for primary stations:

The maximum amount of time to wait for an XID or TEST frame response before retransmitting the XID or TEST frame.

The maximum number of times an XID or TEST frame is resent before giving up. A 0 (zero) causes the router to retry indefinitely.

remote-secondary address or link_station_name address <argument>
Changes the remote station's SDLC address in the range 02 - FE.

Example: set remote-secondary SDLC_C1 address ce

station address or name address
Changes the station's SDLC address in the range 01 to FE.


set station c1 address
Enter station address (in hex) [C1]?

station address or link station name group-inclusion no or yes
For SDLC secondary stations, set whether to include this station in the group poll list for this link. For this to be effective, add a secondary group poll address using the set link group-poll command.

Example: set station c1 group-inclusion yes

station gr-address-prim
Specifies the router as primary group address that is to be polled. A specific address cannot also be used as a group address.

Valid Values: X'00' to X'FE', where X'00' indicates not using group poll

Default Value: X'00'

station address or name max-packet
The maximum size of the packet that the station can receive (default: 2048). Do not set the maximum packet size larger than the link frame size that is configured with the set link frame-size command; if you do, the router automatically resets the maximum packet size to the link frame size and issues the following ELS message:
SDLC.054: nt 3 SDLC/0 Stn xx-MaxBTU too large for Link adjusted (4096->2048)


set station c1 max-packet
Enter max packet size [2048]?

station address or name name
The name of the SDLC station.


set station c1 name
Enter station name [SDLC_C1]?

station protocol
Defines whether the station runs as 2-way-alternating (TWA) or 2-way-simultaneous (TWS).
Note:TWS requires full-duplex hardware.

station address or name receive window
The maximum number of frames the router can receive before sending a response. The range is 1 to 7. The default is 7.


set station c1 receive-window
Enter receive window [7]?
Note:Ensure that the receive window size is sufficiently large, because the router will disconnect the station if the window size is exceeded. Set the receive window to the maximum value for the configured modulo.

station secondary-pause
Specifies the amount of time the secondary station will delay sending poll final after being polled.


  1. This value should be less than the poll timeout for the primary station.

  2. Values greater than 0 on multipoint links can cause poor response time.

Valid Values: 0 to 25.5 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds. A value greater than 0 is most useful on TWS point-to-point links since it allows both directions to send at the same time.

Default Value: 0

station address or name transmit-window
The maximum number of frames the router can transmit before receiving a response frame. The range for MOD 8 is 1 to 7. The range for MOD 128 is 8 to 127.


set station c1 transmit-window
Enter transmit window [7]?

Accessing the SDLC Monitoring Environment

The monitoring environment is the GWCON process. To enter the GWCON process:

  1. Enter talk 5 (or t 5) at the OPCON (*) prompt. This brings you to the GWCON (+) prompt as shown in the following example:
         MOS Operator Console
         For help using the Command Line Interface, press ESCAPE, then '?'
         * talk 5
  2. Next, enter the network # command using the number that identifies the interface that you previously configured for the SDLC device.
    + network 2
    SDLC Console

You enter all GWCON (Monitoring) commands at the + prompt.

Refer to "Getting Started" for information related to the monitoring environment.

SDLC Monitoring Commands

This section summarizes and then explains the SDLC console and related commands. Use these commands to gather information from the database. Table 58 lists SDLC monitoring commands and their function.

Table 58. SDLC Monitoring Commands Summary
 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 Add   Adds an SDLC link station 
 Clear   Clears the counters on the SDLC interface. 
 Delete   Dynamically removes an SDLC link station. 
 Disable   Disables connections to one SDLC link station. 
 Enable   Enables connections to one SDLC link station. 
 List   Displays SDLC link stations configurations and link station information. 
 Msgsz   Permits monitoring bytes in data not otherwise visible. Between 12 and 50 bytes for SDLC ELS messages 50 - 53 can be displayed. 
 Set   Configures specific interface and link station information. 
 Test   Tests the link between the router and the SDLC link station. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the add command to add an end station. The router is, by default the primary end station. If you do not use this command and if you configured an SDLC station in DLSw or APPN, the end station is added for you.



For an example and for additional information on the add command, see "Add".


Use the clear command to clear counters for the interface, for a station, or for all stations. Use the list all stations command to list stations.

Syntax: clear

station ...

link name or address
Clears the counters for an SDLC interface.

station name or address or all
Clears counters for a specific station or for all stations.


Use the delete command to terminate an existing SDLC connection without affecting the SDLC configuration in SRAM. This command terminates any SDLC session that may be in progress on the link station. The router is considered the primary end station by default.


station name or address


Use the disable command to disable connection establishment on one or all SDLC link stations without affecting the SDLC configuration in SRAM. The disable command also terminates any existing connection to the station.

Syntax: disable
station . . .

Prevents connection on all configured SDLC link stations on the interface by terminating all connections.

station name or address
Prevents connection to the specified end station (link station name) by terminating any existing connection.


Use the enable command to enable connection establishment with remote SDLC link stations without affecting the SDLC configuration SRAM.



station . . .

Allows subsystems (for example, DLSw) to use SDLC's facilities.

station name or address
Allows connections to the specified end station.


Use the list command to display statistics specific to the data link layer and the interface.


link configuration

link counters

station . . .

link configuration
Displays information for all configured SDLC link stations on the interface.

For an example and for additional information on the list command, see "List".

link counters
Displays information for the SDLC counters since the last router restart or the last clear counters.

Total number of Information frames received and transmitted.

Total number of Information bytes received and transmitted.

Total number of frames that were retransmitted.

Total number of Unnumbered Information frames received and transmitted.

Total number of Unnumbered Information bytes received and transmitted.

Total number Receive-Ready (RRs) received and transmitted.

Total number Receive-Not-Ready (RNRs) received and transmitted.

Total number of Rejects received and transmitted.

Unnumbered Polls (group poll) received and transmitted.

station all or address or link station name

Displays the status of the specified SDLC link station or all stations. The software displays an * next to the stations that were not explicitly configured using the add station command but were added to the configuration because they were defined and activated in the protocol layer (DLSw or APPN).

Displays information for the specified SDLC link station (link station name) on the interface.

The address of the SDLC link station. The address in parentheses is the group address of the station. A (00) indicates that a group address is not defined.

The character string name designation of SDLC link station.

The status of the SDLC link station:

Enabled, but not allocated

Allocated, but not in use



Connection establishment in progress.

Disconnection in progress

Attempting to recover from a temporary data link error.

The frame size limit of the remote station. This frame size must not be larger than the maximum Basic Transmission Unit (BTU) packet size configured with the set link frame-size command. The default is 2048 bytes.

Rx Window
The size of the receive window.

Tx Window
The size of the transmit window.

station name or address counters
Displays frame transmit and receive counts for the specified link station.

Number of information frames received and transmitted

Number of information bytes received and transmitted

Number of frames retransmitted

Number of Unnumbered Information frames received and transmitted

Number of Unnumbered Information bytes received and transmitted

Number of Exchange Identification frames received and transmitted

Number of Receive Ready frames received and transmitted

Number of Receive Not Ready frames received and transmitted

Number of Rejects received and transmitted

Number of Test frames received and transmitted

Number of Set Normal Response Mode frames received and transmitted

Number of Disconnect frames received and transmitted

Number of Unnumbered Acknowledgment frames received and transmitted

Number of Disconnected Mode frames received and transmitted

Number of Frame Reject frames received and transmitted

Unnumbered Polls (group poll) received and transmitted.
SDLC-2> list link counters
     I-Frames     I-Bytes     Re-Xmit     UI-Frames     UI-Bytes
     --------     -------     -------     ---------     --------
Send       0            0          0              0           0
Recv       0            0                         0           0
          RR        RNR        REJ           UP
     -------      ------       ----       ---------
Send       0          0          0                0
Recv       0          0          0                0

SDLC-2> list station c1
Addr-A/S                                Rx      Tx     Secondary   Primary
(Sec Gp)   Name      Status    Max BTU  Window  Window Poll Pause  GP Addr
-------- --------  ----------  -------  ------  ------ ----------- -------
 C1    A SDLC_C1     ENABLED      2048    7       7        0.0 sec   00


SDLC-2> list station all
Addr-A/S                                Rx      Tx     Secondary   Primary
(Sec Gp)   Name      Status    Max BTU  Window  Window Poll Pause  GP Addr
-------- --------  ----------  -------  ------  ------ ----------- -------
 C1    A SDLC_C1     ENABLED      2048    7       7        0.0 sec   00
 C2    A SDLC_C2     ENABLED      2048    1       7        0.0 sec   00


SDLC-2> list station c1 counters
         I-Frames    I-Bytes     Re-Xmit   UI-Frames    UI-Bytes   XID-Frames
        ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Send            9         384          0           0           0           6
 Recv           29       42792                      0           0           3
            RR          RNR        REJ        TEST        SNRM        DISC
        ----------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
 Send          598           0          0           0           1           0
 Recv          587           0          0           0           0           0
            UA          DM         FRMR       UP
        ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------
 Send            0           0          0          0
 Recv            1           0          0          0


Use the msgsz command to display between 12 and 50 bytes of SDLC ELS messages 50 - 53.



Enter between 12 and 50 bytes
Specifies the number of bytes to be displayed. The default is 12 bytes.


Use the set command to dynamically configure specific information for one or all SDLC link stations without affecting the SRAM configuration. In the SDLC monitoring environment, the set command can be executed only on disabled links or stations. All time values are entered in seconds, with a 0.1 second resolution.



group poll* ...

inactivity ...

modulo . . .


poll . . .

protocol . . .

role* . . .

secondary-pause . . .


type* . . .



address. . .








*Note:These commands are not supported on SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link group-poll address
Sets a group poll address for secondary stations on the link. The SDLC software supports the IBM 3174 group poll function. Use the add station or the set station group inclusion command to include a station in the group poll list.


                 set link group-poll
                 Enter group poll address (in hex) [00:]?f3
                 Group poll support enabled

link inactivity
For idle NRM/E secondary stations, sets the time after which the interface changes the station to its recovery state. The range is 0 to 7200 seconds. The default is 30. A 0 (zero) causes the station to remain idle indefinitely.


set link inactivity
Enter secondary link station inactivity timeout :[30.0]?

link modulo
Dynamically changes the range of sequence numbers to be used on the data link without affecting the SRAM configuration. Modulo 8 specifies a sequence number range 0 - 7, and modulo 128 specifies 0 - 127. Default is 8.
Note:When you change this value, the transmit and receive window sizes become invalid. Use the set station command to change the receive-window and transmit-window sizes.

link name
Dynamically changes the name of the link without affecting the SRAM configuration. A maximum of 8 characters can be entered. This parameter is for informational purposes only.


set link name
Enter link name: [LINK_0]?

link poll delay or timeout or retry
Dynamically changes the following poll information without affecting the SRAM configuration.

Configures the delay between each poll that is sent over the interface.

Configures the amount of time the router waits for a poll response before timing out.

Configures the number of times the interface retries to poll the remote SDLC link station before it closes the connection.


set link poll delay
Enter delay between polls [0.2]?

link protocol
Defines whether the station runs as TWA or TWS.
Note:TWS requires full-duplex hardware.

link role primary, secondary, or negotiable
Configures the interface as an SDLC primary, secondary, or negotiable link station. The default is primary. Use of this command does not affect the SRAM configuration.


  1. For DLSw, negotiable uses X'FF' (broadcast address) for the initial poll.

    When using broadcast address to negotiate the role, the link uses a default SDLC configuration.

    When primary is the link role, the link performs an initial poll to a specific address.

  2. For APPN point-to-point or negotiable, the broadcast address is used for the initial poll. For primary multipoint, the specific address is used.

  3. For switched SDLC, the device must be primary, so link role type is not configurable for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link secondary-pause
Specifies the amount of time the secondary station will delay sending poll final after being polled.


  1. This value should be less than the poll timeout for the primary station.

  2. Values greater than 0 on multipoint links can cause poor response time.

Valid Values: 0 to 25.5 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds. A value of > 0 is most useful on TWS point-to-point links since it allows both directions to send at the same time.

Default Value: 0

link snrm timeout or retry
For primary stations, dynamically changes the following SNRM(E) information without affecting the SRAM configuration.

The time to wait for an Unnumbered Acknowledgment (UA) response before retransmitting an SNRM(E).

The number of times to retransmit an SNRM(E) without receiving a response before giving up.


set link snrm timeout
Enter SNRM response timeout [2.0]?

link type multipoint or point-to-point
Dynamically changes the SDLC link to either a multipoint link or a point-to-point link without affecting the SRAM configuration.
Note:For switched SDLC, the link is always point-to-point, so link type is not configurable for SDLC dial circuit interfaces.

link xid/test timeout or retry
For primary stations, dynamically changes the following XID/test information without affecting the SRAM configuration.

The maximum amount of time to wait for an XID or TEST frame response before retransmitting the test frame.

The maximum number of times an XID or TEST frame is resent before giving up. A 0 (zero) causes the router to retry indefinitely.

Note:Examples for, and explanations of, the following parameters can be found in the SDLC configuration chapter at "Set".

station address or name address
Changes the station's SDLC address.

station group-inclusion
For SDLC secondary stations, set whether to include this station in the group poll list for this link. For this to be effective, add a secondary group poll address using the set link group-poll command.

Example: set station c1 group-inclusion yes

station gp-addres-prim
Specifies the group address that is to be polled. A specific address cannot also be used as a group address.

Valid Values: X'00' to X'FE', where X'00' indicates not using group poll

Default Value: X'00'

station address or name max-packet
Maximum size of packet that this station can receive.

station address or name name
Name of the SDLC station.

station protocol
Defines whether the station runs as TWA or TWS.
Note:TWS requires full-duplex hardware.

station address or name receive-window
Maximum number of frames the router receives before an acknowledgement is required.

station secondary poll pause
Specifies the amount of time the secondary station will delay sending poll final after being polled.


  1. This value should be less than the poll timeout for the primary station.

  2. Values greater than 0 on multipoint links can cause poor response time.

Valid Values: 0 to 25.5 seconds in increments of 0.1 seconds. A value greater than 0 is most useful on TWS point-to-point links since it allows both directions to send at the same time.

Default Value: 0

station address or name transmit-window
Maximum number of frames router transmits before receiving a response frame.


Transmits a specified number of TEST frames to the specified station and waits for a response. Use this command to test the integrity of the connection. Press any key to cancel the test.
Note:Disable the specified link station before using this command


station name or address #frames-to-send frame-size
test station c1
Number of frames to send [1]? 5
Frame length [265]?
Starting echo test -- press any key to abort
5 frames sent, 5 frames received, 0 compare errors, 0 timeouts

Number of test frames to send
Total number of frames to send.

Frame length
Length of frames to be sent. Frame length cannot be larger than the maximum frame length of the specified station.

The test may be aborted by pressing any key.

SDLC Interfaces and the GWCON Interface Command

While the SDLC interface has a console process for operational purposes, the 2212 also displays complete statistics for installed interfaces when you use the interface command from the GWCON environment. (For more information on the interface command, refer to "The Operating/Monitoring Process (GWCON - Talk 5) and Commands".)

Statistics Displayed for SDLC Interfaces

Using the interface command, you can display statistics for SDLC devices without entering the SDLC monitoring process. To do this, enter the interface command and an interface number at the + prompt.

Indicates the interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.

Indicates the interface number as assigned by software during initial configuration.
Note:For SDLC interfaces, the Nt' interface number is always the same as the Nt interface number.

Indicates the slot number of the interface that is running SDLC.

Indicates the port number of the interface that is running SDLC.

Self-test passed
Indicates the total number of times the SDLC interface passed its self-test.

Self-test failed
Indicates the total number of times the SDLC interface was unable pass its self-test.

Maintenance failed
Indicates the number of maintenance failures.


The following parameters are displayed only if a cable is connected. The information displayed depends on the cable that is connected. Different parameters are displayed with other cables.  

Adapter cable
Indicates the type of adapter cable that the level converter is using.

V.24 circuit
Indicates the circuits being used on the V.24.

Indicates the signals being used on the V.24 circuit.

The EIA 232 (RS 232) circuit names.

Indicates the state of V.24 circuits, signals, and pin assignments (ON or OFF).

Line speed (configured)
Indicates the currently configured line speed for the SDLC interface.

Last port reset
Indicates how long ago the port was last reset.

Input frame errors
Indicates the input frame error type (CRC error, too short, aborted, alignment, too long, DMA/FIFO overrun) and the total number of errors that have occurred.

Output frame counters
Indicates the total number of DMA/FIFO overruns and output aborts sent for output frames.

Missed frame
When a frame arrives at the device and there is no buffer available, the hardware drops the frame and increments the missed frame counter.

L & F bits not set
On serial interfaces, the hardware sets input-descriptor information for arriving frames. If the buffer can accept the complete frame upon arrival, the hardware sets both the Last and First bits of the frame, indicating that the buffer accepted the complete frame. If either of the bits is not set, the packet is dropped, the L & F bits not set counter is incremented, and the buffer is cleared for reuse.
Note:It is unlikely that the L & F bits not set counter will be affected by traffic.

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